Letter: Listen to the people

To retain power and keep your job, "listen to the people,” that's why we the people pay your salaries, says Janzen.

The election is over, the results are in and I am reminded of the late Herb Gray (1931-2014).

Herb was a Liberal politician. During his long career he was appointed deputy prime minister and also deputy house leader. Mr. Gray was elected and re-elected over and over a total of eight times in a row.

When asked the secret to his election success, Herb simply replied, “I listened to the people.”

Herb Gray serves as a reminder to those former councillors and mayor defeated this election and as a warning to those newly elected councillors and mayor: to retain power and keep your job, “listen to the people,” that’s why we the people pay your salaries.

David Janzen, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette