Letter: Live and let live

It is nothing more than wildlife cruelty in the first degree. The animals have a God given right to feed and survive, writes F. Duralia.

This is the second time in the last year that a cute, innocent bear cub has been shot out of a tree.

Just when is it going to stop? They were only looking for some fruit to feed upon before hibernation to survive the winter.

It is nothing more than wildlife cruelty in the first degree. The animals have a God given right in his creation to feed and survive.

I happen to have more feelings and appreciation for the wildlife than I have for a whole lot of humanity.

As Ii have a membership with the BCSPCA this letter shall be forwarded to them as they have more power and resourcefulness than I to precede with this incident. There must be other people in this community angry over this unnecessary slaughter.

Live and let live.

If that bear was given an avenue of escape it would have left on it sown accord. But no, it went up that tree to find safety and protection. Instead it found a bullet between the eyes. Surely a sad state of affairs for so-called civilized people. He would have not harmed anyone, but some food and a life. He got neither.

I for myself have been tormented by the cruelty of this act of violence. Enough said.

– F. Duralia, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette