Letter: Local business needs tourist info centre

Without the visitor centre and their staff promoting Kelowna venues, that financial component to our city is much at risk.

To the editor:

As part of Agri-Tourism Kelowna, I want to express how important the visitor centre is to my business.

My business is not located on a major traffic artery and the city has limited directional signage to us.  Without the diligence of the visitor centre most people would never find my location.

The presence of the visitor centre is imperative to any small tourism driven business in Kelowna.  We need to keep our visitors in our local area and keep the tourism dollars in Kelowna.

While the airport has impressive numbers for visitors, without the visitor centre and the persistence of  their staff  promoting Kelowna venues, that financial component to our city is much at risk.

Helen Kennedy,

Arlo’s Honey Farm,

Southeast Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News