Letter: Local school board trustee expands upon recent Fletcher column

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I appreciated your editorialist Tom Fletcher recognizing the educational successes of B.C. students on the international scene.

It is always appreciated when students and youth are recognized for their achievements.

I was disappointed that Mr. Fletcher didn’t drill down a bit on the stats of student achievement. For the last 16 years, teachers and principals have struggled with a government bent on privatizing public education by reducing funding.

I think it is important for the public to know who was responsible for the international results for our students that Mr. Fletcher lauds. Teachers, principals and support staff in our schools could have caved under the fiscal and political neglect from Victoria and given up.

“No way!” is how teachers, principals and support staff in our schools responded. They collectively accepted the challenge to work with students and parents to provide the best instruction possible under trying conditions.

School-based staff, parents and administrators cared more for students than politic ideology.

Cliff Boldt,


Comox Valley Record