LETTER: Location is wrong for development

Well-planned development is necessary to keep Summerland a viable town.

Dear Editor:

Well-planned development is necessary to keep Summerland a viable town.

An aging in place facility would be a very positive addition to our town but the location for the proposed facility is just such a wrong decision.

Aging in place means just exactly that.

Easy access is paramount to this development. It is important to keep us mobile, just look at what Recope is doing to keep seniors mobile, granted a few must take the local handi-bus but many walk or ride or use walkers etc.

I have a friend in Calgary who moved in to a Horizon Village complex and is unable to walk anywhere other than around her small patch of yard.

The place is built on hills. Independence is so important as we age.

Hopefully our city will make the right decision.

There is plenty of marginal agricultural land around and close to town centre.

Joan Hrncirik



Summerland Review