
LETTER: Logging companies need to be held accountable in watersheds

Beaver Creek had a good and clean water system until Timberwest logged the Beaufort mountain range..

To the Editor,

I consider myself a dumb old logger who has lived a lifetime in this once beautiful valley, where we, the citizens, have no say over what certain logging companies are doing to harm the environment. This is under the control and direction of the Liberal governments that created the Private Managed Forest Land Council. There seems to be little concern for the wildlife, watershed, rivers and fish stocks etc.

Beaver Creek had a good and clean water system until Timberwest logged the Beaufort mountain range where I live a decade ago—with no proper logging plans or concerns about the future of our children and grandchildren.

Everybody involved in this private land council whether they are government bureaucrats or appointed experts need to know the time is now for logging companies to be held to account for their greedy actions.

Wayne Crowley,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News