Letter: Looking in the wrong direction

The homeless need support and help here in Maple Ridge, and the residents of Maple Ridge have the right to feel safe...

Sleeping in the streets.

Sleeping in the streets.

Editor, The News:

Re: Petition for, against shelter (The News, Aug. 17).

Am I going to say this until I’m blue in the face?

I am not against the homeless.

I support them in many ways, and I believe the unfortunate need our support.

But I’d like to know how local are you Christine Bossley?

This isn’t rocket science. The homeless need support and help here in Maple Ridge, and the residents of Maple Ridge have the right to feel safe in their neighbourhoods.

Isn’t that the whole idea, to help the homeless function better without having to cause havoc?

Why should our neighbourhood be subject?

There is an answer, mayor.

You’re just not looking in the right direction.

Dalene Lazarenko

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News