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LETTER: Loss of Langley field lamented

Nearby resident would have liked the Township to buy the land for public green space

Dear Editor,

So sad to see the field at 200th Street and 66th Avenue know as the Home Depot field being clear cut and prepared for fencing. I have been walking my dogs there for almost 10 years and have always appreciated being able to use the property to let the kids and dogs run free.

I’m sure the owner became fed up with all the litter, dog poop, and homeless camps mess. Just wanted to thank them for allowing us to trespass on their property all these years.

It will be sadly missed by all of us since this was the last open space left in the Willowbrook area. What a shame the Township couldn’t have purchased it for the residents to use, but since there is no profit to be made, I’m sure the idea wasn’t even considered by our development-obsessed council.

Janet Sinclair, Langley Meadows


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Langley Advance Times