Letter: Lost digital photo card holds precious memories

My newest grandchild was born in October, seven weeks premature. He is doing great, but I have lost many pictures of him.

To the editor:

Today’s technology is fantastic in many ways. Computers, cell phones and other very mobile devices make our hardware smaller and smaller as time goes on. The removable memory cards are also shrinking!

Here comes the sting in the tail…..

Unless you carry your memory card in the device or in a special case, it is so very easy to lose irreplaceable memories. That little Secure Digital (SD) card, no bigger than a small postage stamp, can easily contain over a thousand pictures. A lost card causes heartache.

I took two SD cards to London Drugs last week to get some prints done. I had not yet downloaded the most recent photos to an external hard drive for safe keeping. Somewhere in London Drugs (photography, magazine area and postal outlet) I lost one card. The content is special and I would love to have it back.

My newest grandchild was born in October, seven weeks premature. He is doing great, but I have lost many pictures of him. There are pictures of our artwork, pictures of an event at the Library and dancers at a seniors event in Peachland. All of these are not yet backed up.

If anyone finds this SD card and contacts me, I would be happy to buy them two cards in exchange.

Even if I don’t get my card back, with Christmas coming, I hope this letter saves someone else from the distress of losing irreplaceable memories.

Barry Yeats, West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News