Letter: Louis Riel and the Donald

Remember Louis Riel...we sometimes view current events very differently in the future

Letter: Louis Riel and the Donald

To the editor:

After reading your opinion article about president Trump (Kelowna Capital News, Jan. 27/17 ) I felt compelled to pass alongthis analogy that came to my mind.

Remember Louis Riel? His story is on a smaller scale, yet had me thinking how we sometimes view current events very differently in the future. In his day Louis Riel was disliked by many in the establishment, considered certifiably insane, a traitorand someone that ‘needed to be dealt with.’ Hmmm, sounds familiar. Now, he is regarded as the Father of Manitoba and aprominent statue stands behind the legislative buildings facing the Assiniboine river in Winnipeg.

Thus, maybe in the future Trump will be seen in another light as someone who stood up against overbearing corruption andhelped start a worldwide movement to fight back against tyranny and oppression. My hope is people will really start toquestion, open their minds to all points of view and discuss without vehemently defending a fixed narrative.

Rodney Kozar, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News