Local resident encourages everyone to do a bit to help keep the community cleaner. (The News)

LETTER: Many in Maple Ridge helping reduce litter

Local resident praises those who help keep community cleaner

Dear Editor,

I read the short letter about litter. [Re: LETER: Maple Ridge letter has resident contemplating move, mapleridgenews.com, April 24]

I live in the downtown core, it is so much better in the last few months and continuing to get better.

The CSO/RCMP are doing an amazing job. Just last week when I had to run an errand was so happy to see the Memorial Peace Park filled with families with kids playing, seniors, young adults reading books, almost every bench full, everyone social distancing.

The city workers out early dumping garbage bins. Remember they can’t be everywhere all the time.

Instead of negativity, grab a pincher and bucket, and clean up. If we all lend a hand think how much cleaner it would be instead of just walking past and complaining.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Ramona Stimpfl, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: Out-of-town divers remove 100s of pounds of trash from Cultus Lake

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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News


Local resident encourages everyone to do a bit to help keep the community cleaner. (The News)

Local resident encourages everyone to do a bit to help keep the community cleaner. (The News)