Letter: Many share Hodge’s thoughts on Trump

Kelowna letter-writer says Charlie Hodge was on the mark in his take on Donald Trump

To the editor:

Holy smokes.

USA citizen Bob Sherman sure told us. I am referring to his letter from Friday, Jan. 12, 18 (Columnist not playing with a full deck) where he lambastes Charlie Hodge, our long-time journalist and Kelowna city councillor, for expressing his views on Donald Trump. Views, I might add, Charlie shares with an enormous amount of people.

Every night while seeing the news we have to endure yet another stupid act or remark from this buffoon (yes I said buffoon —sue me). What was it he said last night? Why do we (USA) have to put up with all those people from s***hole countries? Why can’t we get immigrants from nice countries like Norway? What?

The man has not one once of diplomacy. For a world leader I feel you can’t just say bully, bully to the rest of the world. And how about the mass exodus from his cabinet shortly after he took office? Or his countless firings within weeks. He’s not on his reality show now. I sat with an American last July on a cruise ship and she apologized to the table for the outcome of the election down there. I’ve never known anyone to do that. I hope for your sake that your beloved Donald doesn’t completely destroy your country before he gets impeached.

Marianne Paice, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News