Letter: Many thanks for return of precious medal lost Nov. 11

Editor: Every once in a while something happens to cause me to be reminded that our little world is inhabited by some very nice thoughtful people. As an example, allow me to illustrate with the following story:

Although I served in the RCAF for a short time after the Second World War, I did not partake in any military war action.

However, Nov. 11 has always been a very important date for me, as both my father and my grandfather served in the First World War.

I often wear some of their medals when attending the service at the cenotaph as a tribute to the sacrifices they made so that we would have a better world to live in.

After the ceremony this past Remembrance Day at the Fort Langley cenotaph, I noticed that one of the medals I had been wearing was missing.

I presumed that it had fallen off and by this time had probably been inadvertently trampled into the soggy ground.

However, I spoke to an RCMP officer who was on duty about the loss. She asked me to describe the medal and assured me that the proper people would be notified. I was very grateful for her concern, but by this time I had reconciled myself to the fact that I would probably never see the medal again.

What a wonderful surprise, when on Nov. 18, the telephone rang and it was the RCMP notifying me that a person had gone to the trouble of turning in the medal and it was going to be delivered to my home shortly by the officer to whom I had spoken at Fort Langley.

We are so fortunate to be living in this wonderful place, where such considerate people live.

Both the person who found the medal and the RCMP member showed that thoughtfulness, kindness, and love of fellow humans is very prominent here.

With many sincere thanks to both.

René Doyharçabal,


Langley Times