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LETTER: Maple Ridge council piecemeal planning a disservice to community

Mega developments mean more stress on infrastructure and amenities, letter writer argues

Dear Editor,

[Re: Council okays huge apartment complex in downtown Maple Ridge,, May 13]

It’s time Maple Ridge council showed some “wisdom” regarding the approvals of “mega developments.”

One thing that stands out is 561 parking spaces. That equates to another 561 vehicles further exacerbating the present traffic nightmare getting in and out of Maple Ridge, further taxing of present inadequate services such as transportation, lack of doctors and nurses, lack of schools, lack of entertainment facilities.

The list goes on, yet our council members seem blinded by the tax grab of more residents in our community.

Maple Ridge council needs to come to the realization that we cannot continue to grow, without planning, and acting on planning, to expand the services needed, and roadways, and the above mentioned necessities before we can handle more residents.

It’s all very well to glow about “providing residents with east access to transportation choices, shops, and services” the only trouble is not access, but the services mentioned.

There aren’t any.

Wake up council.

Start thinking before you approve any more residential development.

Where’s the “wisdom”?

John Turner, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: Maple Ridge council backtracks on riverfront subdivision approvals

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