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LETTER: Maple Ridge resident encourages people to stand up to anti-Asian racism when they see it

Local letter writer can't understand why people act out against certain groups

Dear Editor,

The COVID-19 virus has brought out the worst in many non-Asians Canadians. By worst I am referring to discrimination pertaining to the Asian race is widespread, and for no reason.

First, the majority of Asian people living in Canada were born in Canada and are Canadian citizens. Secondly, the remaining of the Asian people living in Canada are landed immigrants or are students here on a visitors’ visa while they attend university.

All of the prior Asian people did not cause the COVID-19 virus, and the overwhelming majority of them were in Canada when the virus broke out.

Racial discrimination is an ugly blight that needs to be eradicated more than the COVID-19 virus does.

• READ MORE: Vancouver Police report ‘staggering’ increase in anti-Asian hate crimes

Yes, humans have different skin colours, but so what. I do not understand why some Canadians think they are superior because of their skin colour, or because of their status as Canadians. Also, racial discrimination has spread so that other racialized Canadians are discriminating against Asian people. I remember watching the news, and it showed a large, white man, pushing a 92-year-old elderly Asian man out of 7-Eleven and the elderly Asian man hit his head on the concrete. The RCMP tracked down and arrested the large, white man, and charged him with assault.

The Criminal Code of Canada is only one part of a wide plethora of laws that can be used to fight discrimination.

For example, Asian people can use Canada’s various human rights legislation and human rights tribunals to stand up and confront discrimination. Every province in Canada has its own provincial human rights legislation and its own human rights tribunal.

All people need to stand their ground and not back down when encountering racism. They also need to record, via their cellphones, of the racial discrimination taking place. The cellphone coverage is evidence and can be used in a court of law. People who see Asian people being bullied, and assaulted need to step up and help.

• READ MORE: Stop Asian Hate Rally draws hundeds to Vancouver Art Gallery

I do not understand why the COVID-19 virus has divided people when it should be uniting people. The people of the world have a common enemy that must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Besides having a common enemy, the people of the world have a common ancestor as we all came from Africa….

Ms. Linda Meyer, Maple Ridge


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