Housing construction continues at a strong pace in spring 2021 and one local student has noticed the disruption it can cause to residents. (Colleen Flanagan/The News)

LETTER: Maple Ridge student discovers some parts of development are annoying and some are good

Kanaka Creek student offers a child's perspective on the noise and disruption of development

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you about the issue in Maple Ridge that bothers me the most.

And what that is, is all the construction that goes on.

There is a lot of construction up where I live.

Almost every day at seven in the morning, there is more and more and more construction, and they don’t even do a good job.

Whenever I am on my way to school, or on my way to the barn, there is this giant black stubby cement bump in the middle of the hill. It was perfectly fine before hand, but I guess they thought – oh, it’s not smooth, let’s make it smooth. They did exactly the opposite. They spent a week on nothing.

And not to mention I want to sit in the backseat when I have friends, but I can’t anymore because I get car sick because of those random black bumps on the road. They remind me of deformed speed bumps, and they’re not pretty.

On the bright side, the houses do look nice. And the fact that where I live, there is a lot of kids moving in, so I get to make way more friends. It is hard for me to make friends sometimes, but if they’re friends with one of my friends, that makes it easier for me. I just have trust issues.

There are some new houses close to WildPlay, which is where I am going to move to. As a matter of fact, right behind my house, behind the backyard, there are some trees and behind the trees is my stable. So very close.

• LETTER: Maple Ridge student laments lack of spray park play

One time I was having a sleepover with my friends, and we were planning on sleeping in, until at 7:30 in the morning we both popped up to the sound of drilling. It startled us, especially when it’s right next to my house.

Some bits are worth it, and some parts aren’t.

Danika Sojka, Maple Ridge

Grade 6 Kanaka Creek Elementary student in Paul Moran’s class


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