Letter: Marketing message misses the mark

There's no point in trying to be something that we're not when appealing to visitors

With all due respect to Oak Bay Tourism, I can’t think of a sillier marketing poster than a granny playing a guitar.  I’m not really sure what demographic they are trying to target here, but they are way off the mark.

Is this the “purple cow”?  Really?  Oak Bay is a lot of things, but “hip” isn’t the first thing that comes to mind.  It’s a great place to live, play and wander around.

For a marketing poster I would suggest any of the following: A family playing on Willows beach, an older couple cycling along Beach Drive, people out at the Oak Bay summer market, the views from Walbran hill etc., etc.  There is no point in trying to be something that we’re not.

John Bentley

Oak Bay


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