16th Avenue in South Surrey. (File photo: Aaron Hinks)

LETTER: Massive growth without forethought is disastrous

Municipalities build to bring in more people, but don't upgrade infrastructure

The Editor,

Re: “Surrey approves $1M design for new Nicomekl bridge,” the Now-Leader online.

Now could we move our attention to 16th Avenue? That is not an avenue, it is a highway, but has only two lanes. It is a disaster, and nowhere else in the world could you find anything like this but here. Trucks galore roar down this road and it will get worse when the U.S. border reopens.

Both Surrey and White Rock city hall just love building higher and higher buildings, with more and more people moving in, but no one does anything about the infrastructure.

We have a piddly little hospital, not enough schools and our roads are pot-holed everywhere. Progress – I am all for it, if it is done with forethought to what goes with it.

There is none of that at our present city hall representatives and we all pay for it.

Edie Williams, Surrey

edit@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow us on Twitter

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