Letter: Mayor and council using scare tactics

We elected these guys into office?? What were we thinking? Time for a change!

Many homeowners are scared that if they don’t book an appointment for a water meter, that the city will charge them $2,500 for a pit meter. Most of these residents don’t want these meters installed, and it looks like the mayor and city council are using this financial threat to shove these meters down our throats.

Well, it’s working … people are scared. Who can afford $2,500 for a water meter ?

And how can we even trust them with this figure of $2,500? They said it was going to be something like $600-$800 last summer. Now it’s up to $2,500. What next?

But is this any way to run a city? Using scare tactics? Looking back on the history of Grand

Forks, sad to say I can’t recall a darker and more threatening political time for this city than now.

On the bright side … Just a few weeks to election time, folks. Don’t make the water meter appointments just yet. Wait until the election is over … after Nov. 15, things will change. We’ll have a new mayor and council that will listen to the people.

Also, it appears the mayor and council’s new slogan for Grand Forks is “Settle Down”. (Along with a real ugly logo). Come on … kind of ironic, isn’t it? Who would want to live in a town that is run by a mayor and council that don’t listen to the residents, who are using scare tactics to enforce their own agenda on the residents, who are in favour of radiating everyone with antiquated RF water meters, where the air is often filled with industrial stench, where stores are closing, where roads are crumbling and we have ancient water lines? This town looks like it has been terribly mismanaged.

Quality of life has also dropped in Grand Forks just in the past three to six years or so. Who would want to move here? “Settle down”? Come on.

We elected these guys into office?? What were we thinking? Time for a change!

Don Lea, Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette