Letter: McNeill speed concerns renewed after near miss Christmas Day

Letter: McNeill speed concerns renewed after near miss Christmas Day

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While out walking my dog on Christmas Day, I witnessed a very frightening “near accident” when a young boy, who was taking his new bike out for a spin, barely missed being struck by a vehicle as he attempted to cross McNeill Avenue at the corner of Falkland Road. The young boy saved himself by stopping part way through the intersection as a vehicle continued on through without even slowing down or indicating that he was aware there was a young boy on a bicycle in the intersection. The why is not important, what is important is that this driver narrowly missed hitting this young boy and doing serious harm. As we know these tragedies do occur, but we also know that they can mitigated by installing traffic calming devices to ensure that vehicles are driven with greater attention and care.

I call upon the Oak Bay municipal council and its engineering department to act for the safety of all and respond to ever increasing risk on this section of McNeill Avenue. My New Year’s wish is that the municipal council takes a proactive stance and develops the political will and moral courage to do what is right before it is too late.

D.J. Agar

Oak Bay

Oak Bay News