Letter: Media can ‘shut the blast up!’

We … are able to draw our own conclusions … that's what Americans have done and we shall as Canadians do as well.

To the editor:

Re: Kathy Michaels’ column, American Election Should be Viewed as a Warning to Canadians, Nov. 11 Kelowna Capital News.

Kathy, the public is tired of you media types telling us what we should think or feel. Media is supposed to present the facts and allow the public to make up their own minds about how they view what is taking place around them.

God has given us our own brains and we don’t need you to program us to all think as you decide is right!

The media has taken over thinking for the rest of society many years back and we are tired of it, as exemplified in the American election.

How dare you presume to tell us how we Canadians should view this outcome — that is up to us as individuals to use our own brains and consciousness and make up our own decision.

We, despite what the media thinks, are able to draw our own conclusions. And that’s what Americans have done and that we shall as Canadians do as well.

So basically: Shut the blast up!

D.Samson, West Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News