Letter: Medicine Tree is a blessing

Please buck a bad trend and follow your better instincts, for the exercise if not for the novelty., says Lacey.

The newly opened medicinal cannabis dispensary “The Kootenay’s Medicine Tree” is an overdue blessing to me, and I hope that no one wants to take that away from me and many other people in the area who also require “ease of access” to this important natural health service. I deeply appreciate the directors, Jim, Wendy and Marvin, for what they have bravely and boldly done for all of us.

Valuable to the community at large, well beyond the personal biases and negative opinions of some, this recently opened medicinal cannabis dispensary as an independent small business, is already financially self-sufficient and able to pay its own way, and may employ others if allowed to succeed … and by that I mean to proceed unhindered and unslandered ...

Note to RCMP: Do not harass and beleaguer or provoke the staff and clientele.

In fact, there is a genuine need for cannabis sellers, growers and buyers to be “protected” from thieves, by the local constabulary. Don’t obey anti-pot orders or take directions from the transitory authorities, passing politicians and misguided ministers that currently hold you in thrall. Their self-serving middle-management dictates have been identified as counter-productive to a large segment of society (myself included) and go against civil intelligence.

Please buck a bad trend and follow your better instincts, for the exercise if not for the novelty. Thank you.

Be worthy.

Donita Lacey, advocate, Client Member, KMT I GF




Grand Forks Gazette