LETTER: Minds were already made on rezoning for low-barrier housing facility

'What is the point of holding a public hearing if you are not going to take into consideration the opinions of the people present?'

I went to a council meeting Monday night for the rezoning of property for the purpose of constructing a low-barrier/wet housing facility.

This is a family-oriented neighbourhood with two schools, one being only 100 metres away.  The majority of people in attendance at the meeting spoke against the facility on this site, suggesting a commercial or industrial location would be a better fit.

Approximately five people spoke in favour. Surprisingly, only one speaker for it was from a social agency, whereas the Feb. 3 meeting for rezoning for the same purpose on Montvue Avenue was standing-room only with a large social agency presence for it. It was turned down.

Even with the ratio of for and against at the Gladys location, council and mayor approved the application to rezone. It was obvious their minds were made up prior to the meeting.  What is the point of holding a public hearing if you are not going to take into consideration the opinions of the people present?

It is time to wipe the slate clean and elect a whole new council with our views, one that might listen to the people that elected them and pay their salaries.

Sheila Rottluff, Abbotsford

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