Letter: Miscellaneous thoughts

Why is the city leasing or giving the land beside the library to build a six-storey office tower?

To the editor:

Some random thoughts for readers to ponder:

Ever notice on your natural gas bill that there is a carbon tax and a “clean energy levy” which is applied to both the gas used and the amount Fortis charges to deliver the gas? Another hidden ‘Christy tax.’

Why is the city leasing or giving (depends on which news you believe) the land beside the library to build a six-storey office tower that will block off the view out the library window? Surely it could be sold for a very good price.

Where are people going to park after the Accelerate Okanagan, Interior Health, Kelowna Yacht Club and Cactus Club are finished?

Why is KLO Road still dug up after six months of disruption? The developer of those lots will have to charge a lot to make up for the inefficient work on the street.

Why can’t Kelowna traffic people ever fix the screwed up light at Benvoulin and Byrns?

Does Colin Basran ever drive around this city? Is he aware of all the efforts made to slow and delay traffic, resulting in much more pollution?

Bruce Stevenson,



Kelowna Capital News