
Letter: Misleading statements about proposed new Duncan Manor

6-storey building jutting into the park, casting a long shadow and completely altering the ambience

Misleading statements about proposed new Duncan Manor

In the article (Duncan Manor proposal… Sept. 16, 2021) in the Cowichan Citizen and on the Duncan Housing Society website there are misleading statements.

Christine Wright, executive director of the Duncan Housing Society in the Citizen states the amenities, and she includes “lawn….would not be removed as part of the proposed development”. She also states that there would be “no loss of….green space related to the park”.


The fact is that a new parking lot and access road from Second Street will both pave over “lawn” and take away existing green space, plain and simple. Just look at the graphic of the proposed redevelopment in the newspaper article and you will see a new roadway and new parking lot all the way to Second Street.

Another misleading statement is on the Duncan Housing Society website. It states that “the new building to be constructed….with almost no impacts or encroachments on the park itself.”


A six-storey building jutting into the park, casting a long shadow and completely altering the ambience, nature and character of the park along with the surrounding paved road and parking area is plain and simple, impact and encroachment, period, full stop.

Barry Corrin


Cowichan Valley Citizen