Letter: Mobility pricing should at least reflect level of service

Letter: Mobility pricing should at least reflect level of service

Editor: The editorial by Tom Zytaruk (June 6) "Road Pricing is Reprehensible" certainly has hit the nail on the head.

Editor: The editorial by Tom Zytaruk (June 6) “Road Pricing is Reprehensible” certainly has hit the nail on the head.

The idea of a suggested mobility road pricing will put an $8 per day fee (approx $3,000/year) on vehicles travelling throughout the region. Besides — as stated in your editorial — being a “punitive measure (heinous) beyond anyone’s wildest imagination” it also attacks residents who are struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis: Seniors, students, and families on lower incomes.

I guess this mobility road pricing idea is based on the concept of fairness.

OK let’s turn this around slightly and look at a Langley model, or perhaps a model that includes areas like Delta or White Rock that don’t have rapid transit (SkyTrain and West Coast express).

Make it a discounted mobility road pricing concept, a roll back in gas taxes and other fees and charges for the folks that have to drive their vehicles on the very roads that were already paid for by past tax dollars.

Imagine that, a fair system for folks who don’t have billion dollar rapid transit systems running through their communities.

Steve Ferguson,


Langley Times