Letter: Model 216th interchange after 192nd

Dear Editor,

Langley Township Council must realize that it is not right to bait and switch residents of 216th Street, by building and planning a quiet residential community and then switching it to a major thoroughfare.

I would suggest a compromise in that the 216th Street interchange is revised to be modeled after 192nd Street.

Access to and from the freeway would only be to the south with no direct access from the freeway to Walnut Grove.

This is the same concession Port Kells residents on the south side of the freeway have at 192nd Street.

North/south continuity across 216th Street could be maintained.

In exchange the “temporary” curb side parking on 216th Street is made permanent, playground speed zones installed at both schools on 216th St and properly designated crosswalks be installed at all Greenway crossings.

This would be an acceptable compromise that achieves the main goals of the 216th Street interchange (providing relief for 200th Street for south side traffic) and relief for cross Langley traffic on 208th Street.

There is sufficient freeway access to Walnut Grove via 200th Street and Glover Road.  While 216th Street would experience some growth in traffic, it would be manageable and the integrity of the community maintained.

John Wollenzin, Walnut Grove



Langley Advance