LETTER: Modus operandi has not changed

Clearly the support of the local economy, even when it represents a substantial saving of taxpayers’ money, is not a priority.

Re: RDCK awards park contract (West Kootenay Advertiser,  August 28).

It would appear that modus operandi at the RDCK has not changed: This contract was awarded to an out of district firm for $86,000 instead of a local firm, employing local people, who bid $79,000. Furnituregate redux?

Further, the furniture acquisition for the RDCK building included a budget of $50,000 for monitor arms trays and desk accessories (no doubt made by Rolls Royce). This was sourced without any opportunity or consideration given to local suppliers. Cowan’s specifically requested the opportunity prior to present options and quote on this purchase but was shut out. They only found out last week when following up to ask when they would be allowed to discuss the requirements. Furnituregate part deux.

Clearly the support of the local economy, even when it represents a substantial saving of taxpayers’ money, is not a priority for the RDCK staff and directors.

The pathetic defence offered after the furniture debacle — about half of RDCK purchasing being local — has been removed from the RDCK website. Given what we now know about the other half I think there’s a real problem here.

Ultimately it’s the board of directors that approves whatever staff tells them. Remember that when the election comes around.


Kevin LePape


Nelson Star