Letter: More access to Okanagan lakefront

To improve our access to our lake, they've introduced a web-site and toll-free number… to report specific blockages along the foreshore.

To the editor:

Would you like to be able to walk along more of Kelowna’s lakeshore?

Many people don’t know that Okanagan Lake collectively belongs to the citizens of B.C.

The Province of B.C. has long had laws that prohibit fences or other obstructions along most of the shoreline that’s below the high-water line. It’s up to the province to enforce the laws that they made. To improve our access to our lake, they’ve introduced a web-site and toll-free number so that you can confidentially report specific blockages along the foreshore. You can also attach photos at their web-site.

This is the phone number: 1-844-676-8477

This is the web-site: https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hen/nrv/report.htm

Al Janusas, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News