LETTER: More on potholes

From reader Ojan Cromie...

LETTER: More on potholes

For about a month I was dodging a big pothole in a high traffic area. If you are leaving the mall heading towards the airport it was just before the Prestige on Lakeside Drive. One day I was so focused on the traffic ahead of me I hit the pothole. My right tire went in with a bang and out. By the time I reached Baker Street my tire was flat.

Western Auto Wreckers came and said the rim was bent from the blow and had squeezed the tire causing a rupture. I was able to purchase a used tire and rim from them. It was only $70 but I am unemployed at present.

I realize there are many potholes and Public Works cannot repair them in the rain, but I think it would be helpful to spray paint the circumference with bright neon paint. Especially when they are so large and in high traffic areas. I saw another large one recently at Hall Mines Rd. and Kootenay St. and thought, “Oh no.” It is the route I take home every day.

Ojan Cromie, Nelson

Nelson Star