Ten pedestrian crossings are set for improvements this year.

Ten pedestrian crossings are set for improvements this year.

LETTER: More pedestrians out, so please drive safely

Pleading with motorists to slow down and to ensure everyone makes it through this challenging time

Dear Editor,

With schools closed, physical distancing advised, and warmer spring weather arriving it is noticeable, especially on sunny days, that individuals and families are getting outside to walk, ride bikes, and exercise.

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With more parks being closed or with limited access, it means that there are more people using the roads and sidewalks to recreate, while trying to heed the advise to physically distance.

Often vehicle drivers have a sense of entitlement on the roads, expecting to drive at the speed they want, disregarding the rights of others sharing those roads.

This is a plea to vehicle drivers to be more considerate and careful during the days and weeks ahead, as we all try and get through these challenging times.

Please take a few extra seconds when exiting parking areas or driveways, when making left hand turns, and also when making right hand turns where rolling stops are becoming the norm.

Tom Barichello, Langley


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Langley Advance Times