LETTER: More public consultation needed on park project

Re: Opposition grows over park project (News, Aug. 26)


Re: Opposition grows over park project (News, Aug. 26)

The Sooke Lions Club is proposing a private clubhouse and parking lot for the open space in John Phillips Memorial Park. Details are scarce.

Council says a clubhouse in the park is based on a 2006 plan. The 2006 plan map shows a roof at the side of the park, labelled Community Activity Area with 35 parking spaces. Not the 300 seat clubhouse proposed by the Sooke Lions Club.

Since 2006, Sooke has paid for a 2009 Parks and Trails Masterplan and a 2020 Parks and Trails Masterplan. Neither called for a large building in the park.

Council’s February 2021 newsletter said they were working on a revised site plan for the park and asked residents to respond to a list of facilities being considered. A large private clubhouse was not on that list. Council’s February website announced that they wanted to consult with the public about their 2006 plan and provided an online process. Nothing has been released by council on the results of this public input.

This is 2021. Why on earth is our town basing its decisions on a plan that is 15 years old? We need full public engagement as recommended in the 2020 parks plan.

J. Kent


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