LETTER: More respect for seniors

Arrogant people shove the elderly around like mere toys

This is a call to all Citizens in Abbotsford to take a firm stand against the disrespectful mannerisms of a growing number of arrogant people that come along shoving the elderly around like mere toys.

Here are just two of many incidents I am told.

An elderly lady, a dear friend of mine, was recuperating from a nasty fall breaking both her pelvis bones. The first time she went out walking outside with her walker on the side walk she met a dozen people coming towards her. Two little fellows stopped her and demanded she get off the side to let them pass by. Worst of all, the parents and grown ups stood there smiling away at their youngsters. My friend was afraid and furious.

When the group passed by she had trouble getting her walker back on the side walk. Not even one person bothered to lend a helping hand. She staggered back home never to try again. Now, I understand that in some countries this kind a lifestyle is a must to survive. But, say, in Canada we do have certain rules where one is to respect the elderly and the needy.

I wonder if someone in the know could explain that to these folks, please?

Second case. As I was shopping last Thursday I was patiently waiting in line to pay my bill. Along come a young fellow and boldly shoved two old folks aside and positioned himself at the front of the line. He then began arguing with the clerk that he wanted five dollars off the regular price. As I watched the whole procedure I felt the toes on my right foot, in my sharp pointed shoes, start curling up wanting to send a swift and hard kick at his long shinbones. And believe me following kicks would have come fast and furious. But somehow I forced my better judgment to take hold of me and waited my turn.

Nonetheless, I ask everyone to watch out for the elderly by taking a firm stand to help shield what is lawfully the legal rights of all citizens in Abbotsford whatever their age may be.

Gertie Pool

Abbotsford News