
Letter: More thought needed on new Duncan Manor

More thought is needed before you progress any further!

More thought needed on new Duncan Manor

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot — with a six-storey apartment block — and you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. The words of Joni Mitchell have been constantly on my mind.

I watch many people enjoying the tennis court on a constant basis. Young children, with dreams of the NHL in their minds, older men and women playing hockey with their family, and many practising at the basketball hoop trying for perfection. What is going to happen to a lovely bowling green which facilitates many local players as well as visitors?

This is part of a beautiful, one-of-a-kind park situated in Duncan. This is Centennial Park.

Although the majority of plans seem to be basically under wraps at the present time, it seems that the Duncan Housing Society and Duncan city council are presently planning a major change to a good portion of Centennial Park.

I agree that the present Duncan Manor is in need of being replaced and have no objection to that. I would like to see it completely torn down and rebuilt with three or four storeys, not six as requested. Hopefully it would contain some of the necessities it now provides.

These people need their meals provided, a large dining room for tenants to congregate for meals and perhaps entertainment. I believe the present building provides a large TV room where the tenants can meet if they desire. The remaining three- or four-storey building could be built around the back of Duncan Manor where there is existing room.

The new plans look like two apartment buildings which are six storeys each, which provide none of the above. I wonder about a fire and how these older, or handicapped people or those with disabilities could ever exit a six storey building safely.

An old timer told me at one time the area the park sits on was a small lake that people were able to canoe on. I wonder why anyone would build a six storey building with underground parking and consider it safe. I wonder if the Attorney General and minister responsible for Housing were aware of this problem when they announced funding for this project?

The City of Duncan has spent many dollars (by way of our taxes) and many hours making the park an enjoyable place to take families and we need facilities such as this. More thought is needed before you progress any further!

Jean Nash


Cowichan Valley Citizen