LETTER: More time needed for rail tie discussion

What is this about “Input needed on rail ties” on page one of the Williams Lake Tribune’s Oct. 23 newspaper?


What is this about “Input needed on rail ties” on page one of the Williams Lake Tribune’s Oct. 23 newspaper?

By starting with little or no information, we are told the public has roughly two weeks to voice our opinions regarding a move by Atlantic Power Corporation to raise its limit on burning old rail ties from the current five per cent to 50 per cent. This is a matter that concerns everyone.

We had this same discussion regarding burning old rail ties some years ago in Kamloops when I lived there.

Since most conscientious people lead busy lives, it took some time for the interest in the topic to build up.

Then more time for controversy to heat up as the public became more knowledgable.

In the end, Kamloops rejected having chemically-treated ties pollute the atmosphere and affect the health of the present and possible future generations.

Certainly, more time is needed.

To get the requested “needed” input out in the open in such a short period of time seems ridiculous.

I have also just heard that city council has already approved Atlantic Power Corporation’s request. Could this possibly be true? If so, whatever happened to public input?

Julia Farina

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune