Cloverdale-Langley City MP Tamara Jansen recently joined the lobby to postpone small business audits during the pandemic. (Christian Diotte, House of Commons Photo Services)

LETTER: MP needs to think about accountability, too

Small businesses audits should not be postponed because of pandemic

Dear Editor,

[Re: Push on to delay audits, Nov. 19, Langley Advance Times]

The audacity of [Langley City-Cloverdale] MP Tamara Jansen is mind boggling.

She appears to be in a snit about small businesses being held accountable after receiving Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy funds and demands, yes demands, the CRA back off audits until a later time.

I find it cynical to be weeping about helping small businesses by opening our federal purse strings to assist and then waving off any accountability for funds received, because it is not a convenient time to do so.

RELATED: High-income earners in Canada collected CERB, pandemic-related data shows

Here is a thought for her.

At some point we, as taxpayers, will be in well over our heads with more and more money flowing out of Ottawa.

Or would she rather we just turn all monies given out into grants?

Rob Jones-Cook, Langley


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