Federal election campaign stops across Canada in the second week of August 2021. (Canadian Press photos)

LETTER: My great $500 election coincidence

A lump sum payment just in time for a federal election

I went to my mailbox recently and noticed an envelope from the Government of Canada.

With a stomach flutter my thoughts immediately assumed I owed more income tax. Upon opening the envelope and reading the first line, I knew there was going to be a fall election.

Service Canada saying “they are pleased to inform you that you are eligible to receive a $500 lump sum payment issued to all Old Age Security recipients” who are 75 by June 2022.

It is nice to get a few bucks back, but I can’t help wondering how much this timely gift will cost the young future taxpayers who can’t afford a house. Maybe there are or will be other generous funds for others just before the election. It may be expensive, but one of the most effective ways for people to understand the government’s altruistic platform.

Direct money is a great form of advertising and promotion. What a great election coincidence. I should soon be $500 richer.

Royce Condie


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