Letter: Name food bank building in honour of Phyllis

…it would not be out of place to name this new community facility in memory of one of the most important forces that brought it into being.

To the editor:

I would like to suggest to those concerned, that the new building of the Lake Country Food Assistance Society be formally named The Phyllis MacPherson Building.

I have known Phyllis for a number of years and have deeply appreciated the depth of her commitment as a citizen, a volunteer, and a Christian to fulfilling Jesus’ commandment to “feed the hungry.” Her deep sense of the importance of this ministry, and her dedication to making it happen over the past 30 some years would be recognized by such an action.

We have schools and parks and other facilities named for citizens in Lake Country,  so it would not be out of place to name this new community facility in memory of one of the most important forces that brought it into being.

The Rev. Arthur Gans,

Lake Country

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