Letter to the editor

LETTER – NDP government turning a blind eye toward decimation of old-growth forest

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

“None so blind as will not see.”

Future generations will look back with clear eyes and condemn the current NDP government for refusing to see what is blindingly obvious. Valley bottom old-growth forest, with its big trees, is a gift that keeps on giving.

Until it is cut down.

The big trees hold massive amounts of carbon; they create their own moist climate; they are the foundation of healthy rivers, salmon runs, and all manner of plant and animal biodiversity. The tourism potential associated with intact old-growth is huge, as are the ecosystem services. Yet we are killing the golden goose.

The government must grow a backbone and save the last of the big-tree old-growth. The future is built on today; what are we leaving for tomorrow?

Amanda Vaughan,

Black Creek

Comox Valley Record