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LETTER: Neighbours have compiled petition about Summerland development proposal

Residents near Jubilee Road proposal have raised concerns

Dear Editor:

Thank you for your update on the 8709 Jubilee Rd. E. development in Summerland as nothing has been made public by council or developers to my knowledge.

Interestingly, you report this site has been under consideration for this project since 2012, but to the best of my knowledge has not involved any neighbourhood consultation on this publicly funded proposal during these nine years until recently.

READ ALSO: Summerland affordable housing project still in negotiations

READ ALSO: Zoning, OCP amendments adopted for Summerland housing development

Concerned neighbours in the immediate area have compiled a petition to submit to council once applications for variances are made showing overwhelmingly the majority of residents are against this oversized big box building with inadequate parking and no sidewalks being plunked down in our two- and three-storey neighbourhood.

Recently best said for council consideration is from Penticton’s council turning down a 10-storey building in a low rise neighbourhood is, “I believe the people who buy and invest their life savings in a neighbourhood … I think we have an obligation to support them on that.”

We are told due to land cost a building must be this size, but who is to say this land if worth the $2 million to $3 million thrown out there when in nine years it hasn’t sold or been developed especially now to its zoning?

Barry Neary, chair

Silver Birch Place



Summerland Review