Letter: New blood would benefit city following election

Over time, some of us have forgotten some of the important issues that plagued the current mayor and council at City Hall.


Over time, some of us have forgotten some of the important issues that plagued the current mayor and council at City Hall.

Let us take a moment to remember some of the stumbles and blunders.

Certainly great fodder, I would think, for anyone that happens to be running opposing the existing mayor and or council in the upcoming election.

First item on the unplanned operating cost of the city to city taxpayers was, of course, the proposed re-branding of Williams Lake as The Republic of Life.

This lead balloon never got close to getting off the ground.

Hidden in the records of the city, it is a cost to taxpayers.

Without Freedom of Information Laws one can only guess the actual cost.

Every member of current council and mayor can wear this as part of their past four-year record.

Not exactly a record of a taxpayer responsible government that I would want to run on.

Another thing was the hiring and firing of Don DeGane as the city’s chief administrative officer.

From my research on this man, based on his previous administrative positions, he would have come to Williams Lake with an excellent record.

Counting the current CAO, there has been four CAOs since this mayor was first elected.

When you add other blunders and missteps, it is hard to imagine anybody from this current council running for anything.

Taxpayers need to bluntly ask themselves if they really want four more years of frivolously wasting tax dollars.

Some members of existing council, and the mayor, herself, have served two or more terms.

It seems to me the honourable thing to do for the long-serving mayor and the long-serving council members would be to step aside and let brand new blood come into both the mayor’s chair and council.

Doug Wilson

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune