An artist’s concept shows the Burde Street beaver ponds featured in the centre of Pacific Mayfair Estates. (SUSAN QUINN/ Alberni Valley News)

LETTER: New development on Burde Street means more traffic, more noise

There is also an increased danger to the pedestrians, including children, who use the route…

To the Editor,

Re: San Group unveils $1.1-billion housing plan, Sept. 1, 2021.

The announcement of a new 2,800-home subdivision proposed development off Burde Street is interesting, but without the requirement of a new access road to service the property, it is impractical and shows a lack of overall planning by the powers that be.

There have been several other subdivisions along Burde. Those developers were not required to provide an alternate service road, so access is currently obtained through the residential area along San Mateo Drive and Estevan Drive. The resulting increase in vehicle traffic—including cars, trucks and heavy construction equipment—has caused much noise and discomfort to the residents.

There is also an increased danger to the pedestrians, including children, who use the route.

In the ’60s, the city developed a new subdivision along the top of the rise, overlooking the city. The area, including Estevan Drive, attracted new home construction, including some larger and high-end priced homes. It was a “nice, quiet residential area.”

The Burde Street developments are changing that description, with the extra traffic and noise. There is talk of people selling their homes because of the noise and discomfort along the access corridor.

If the new development goes ahead without the requirement for a new service road, the San Mateo and Estevan route will be subjected to another 20 years of noise and danger.

A.F. Parker,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News