Letter: ‘New Langley City’ re-alignment best solution

It's time to consider altering the alignment of the Langley's, in Gordie Wiens' view.

Editor: Think outside the box.

If Brookswood, Langley City (as it now exists), Willoughby and Walnut Grove were amalgamated into a ‘New Langley City’ and Langley Township incorporated the protected farm land, the Aldergrove region and Gloucester, including all the ‘random’ small acreage areas spread ‘helter skelter’ around the Township, I think the population would be served better.

The primary mandate of the Township would be to preserve and enhance agriculture.

Aldergrove, as the main ‘town centre,’ might flourish and become something special.

The New Langley City would receive better planning, lean more to high density, and cater to the needs and desires of a sophisticated urban area.

I have lived in Langley Township for 42 years, and I think an re-alignment is warranted for the betterment of both Langleys.

What do you think?

Gordie Wiens, Langley

Langley Times