
Letter: New lawn tractor for Providence Farm wonderful

Providence Farm is a treasure of a therapeutic community.

New lawn tractor for Providence Farm wonderful

I’m thrilled to hear of the good will of Craig Hindle, Randy Westlake and Bob Bridger to pitch in and buy a new lawn tractor for Providence Farm. I saw the Lions team mowing the lawns on a voluntary basis on Friday. This is what community is all about. There are so many ways people can contribute and these folks just knew that this was necessary and got it done. Hurray! As Craig suggested in the June 3 article let’s hope other businesses who are able can reach out and offer support where they can.

Providence Farm is a treasure of a therapeutic community. I’ve been involved there for years in many capacities and currently I’m gardening there in their allotment gardens. It’s the most peaceful place to go to dig in the dirt and get away from the day to day life. They are usually looking for volunteers and there are three jobs listed on the website, under Get Involved. www.providence.bc.ca

Maureen (Mo) Briglio


Cowichan Valley Citizen