LETTER – ‘New normal’ is anything but

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Please stop using the term “new normal.”

Language holds power, and by using this term, you are surrendering yours. Acknowledging a situation for what it is in this present moment and calling it “normal” are two completely different things!

This is not normal. It is anything but normal. Children having to be two metres from one another, with no physical contact is not normal. Being unable to visit a loved one dying and not being allowed to see them dead and pass them respect is not normal: it is inhumane. Staying confined and having something called “social distancing” is also not normal. And wearing masks to cover up our smiles and feelings is, as well, not normal.

None of this, is what humanity is all about. We are social beings that need love and physical contact from others. You can respect, without surrender. You can obey, without acceptance.

Using the term “new normal” is not helping our case. We will not accept life like this as the new way.

We will persevere to love one another and fill this world with light together. This is not a “new normal.” It is temporary. It too shall pass. Call it what you want – a situation, passing

virus – whatever, but not normal.

Envision the “normal” that you would like to see and hold on to that.

Be aware of terms being used around and the power that they hold and how you use them.

Don’t underestimate the power of words.

Karine Elhashemi,


Comox Valley Record