Dear Editor,
[Re: Voters will wait to end of meetings to ask questions, Jan.16, The News].
Reading this story raised concerns for me about the new revisions that are being imposed [by Maple Ridge council], and I was left wondering just what is going on at City hall….
Asking the public to wait until the end of council meetings to raise questions is not practical.
Individuals, not wanting to sit through issues of no interest, will come in late creating disruption for those trying to hear the proceedings.
It is also a week night – people have jobs, perhaps childcare, and it is a disadvantage to the public to make individuals wait until late in the evening to have their issues addressed by council.
To the next “revision” – restricting the ability of the public to question the motives of a councillor.
Obviously aggression and disrespect are never acceptable, however, the public does have every right to question the motives and actions of councillors, and should. These folks are not the monarchy. They are elected officials and answerable to the electorate.
Surely the public is entitled to this information before being expected to accept these new “revisions.”
This “revision” limits the public’s right to question council about actions and motives that may be of legitimate concern and this significantly restricts the public’s ‘right to know’.
This is a big concern.
Donna Clay, Maple Ridge
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