Letter: New Prosperity project could have come in handy

We were distressed to see that the Export Development Corporation is going to be making a $300 million loan to a state owned copper mine.


We were distressed to see that the Export Development Corporation, a crown corporation of the federal government, is going to be making a $300 million loan to a state owned copper mine in Chile.

It would be nice if the government took a little more interest in the development of copper mines in B.C. and especially in the Cariboo.

We could have utilized the New Prosperity Mine project to offset the huge decrease in the annual allowable cut that is coming which may result in the loss of a mill.

Also the current possibly of a permanent shutdown of the Mount Polley mine.

So much for looking after the working people of the Cariboo.

The young people who want work can still keep moving away, because of a lack of opportunity and we can thank the federal government for its forward thinking.

Bill Carruthers

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