Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Penticton Western News letters to the editor.

Letter: New RCMP chief a welcome sight

Supt. Ted De Jager was greeting people as he made his way through the Penticton market

At the June 10 Penticton Saturday market I had the opportunity to extend my own welcome to our community to the South Okanagan’s new Chief of Police.

RCMP Supt. Ted De Jager was greeting people as he made his way through the market and many lined up their family or friends for photographs alongside De Jager who was splendidly turned out in his red serge uniform decorated with several service medals.

I introduced myself to De Jager and found him to be open and very receptive to listening to what a citizen had to say and he answered several questions I had about the regional policing concept the RCMP are using in the South Okanagan and elsewhere in B.C.

One of the topics discussed was the methodology of more citizen involvement with the policing function, and, I agreed with him on several initiatives and in particular, a ‘Public Safety Committee’ under the authority of municipal council. I was already aware that other B.C. communities policed by the RCMP have found great success with their committees.

Penticton and the South Okanagan policing-wise are in it together and it appears we have an Officer Commanding interested in genuine engagement with the community. Supt. De Jager attending the Saturday market is an indicator of that direction. This is good.

Welcome Supt. De Jager and your family to the South Okanagan.

Murray Mason


Penticton Western News