Letter: No alternative needed

Re: "Malahat alternative needed now" (Your View, June 1)

Re: “Malahat alternative needed now” (Your View, June 1)

Humbug, I drove the Circle Route through Port Renfrew the same day she drove it, and so did another friend of mine, who had the same experience as me, and she drove the road three hours before me.

I left Lake Cowichan at approximately 6 p.m. I arrived in Victoria at 9:30 p.m. I was not in any bumper to bumper traffic and I drove on a very well kept highway. In the odd place I had to slow down where the road narrowed but they were few and far between.

I highly recommend this detour if the need were to arise again. But in the 40 years I have lived in Victoria, this was the first time I travelled this route because the Malahat was closed for this many hours and I was caught up Island.

Ross Ferguson


Goldstream News Gazette