(THE NEWS/files)Craig Jones of Wanstalls holds a Core 15, a variant of an AR 15, with two Glock 22’s in the foreground.

(THE NEWS/files)Craig Jones of Wanstalls holds a Core 15, a variant of an AR 15, with two Glock 22’s in the foreground.

Letter: ‘No legitimate need for an assault rifle’

'And no place for handguns.'

Editor, The News:

Re: Gun club, business worry about handgun ban.

I have no sympathy for the concerns of Wanstalls owner Craig Jones. He is pictured with a pair of Glocks, neither of which is target pistol, and an AR 15 assault rifle variant, which can be modified for rapid fire.

Calling this weapon a tactical centerfire rifle doesn’t change what it is.

The weapons pictured are meant to put holes in people and anyone who isn’t an American knows they have no place in a civilized society.

The NRA-style arguments that guns don’t kill people any more than vans kill people is insulting to anyone with a bit of common sense.

Hunters, ranchers, farmers, Conservation Officers, these people have a rightful need for long guns. No one other than a peace officer has any legitimate need for an assault rifle.

Few will argue with having target pistols on a closed range, but there is no place for handguns such as those pictured.

The times are changing and unbridled gun ownership is one of those things which should be severely restricted.

Playing with guns is a practise which needs to be examined carefully, but the people playing aren’t the ones who should be telling the rest of society how their activities should be viewed.

There’s enough violence in the world and gun makers and merchants aren’t doing anything to solve that problem, nothing at all.

Barry Billas

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News